Ask Larry

Will I Acquire More Credits If I Work As A Substitute Teacher?

Hi- I am a retired teacher in TX, I left teaching briefly’ when I returned they started taking out for Social Security so I have 28 credits, if I work as a Substitute teacher will I acquire more credits?

Hi. Possibly. You can earn a quarter of Social Security coverage (QC), up to a maximum of 4 QCs, for each $1470 that you earn this year, but only if you pay Social Security taxes on the earnings ( I have no way of knowing whether or not the substitute teaching that you're referring to would be subject to Social Security taxes, though.

You would need at least 40 QCs to be able to qualify for Social Security retirement benefits, and your benefit rate could be lowered if you also receive a pension based on your earnings that were exempt from Social Security taxes ( You may want to consider using our software ( to help you with your Social Security planning. The software could help you determine how much you might qualify for if you do reach 40 QCs.

Best, Jerry

Aug 2 2021 - 9:07am
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