Ask Larry

Will Fixing Errors in My Earnings Record Increase My Benefits?

Will be 70 next month. I see my estimated benefit. my question is this? would the amount shown be any different if I were able to find some wage $$ errors/omissions ? I have worked since 1964 so the time frame is extensive for credits.. Before I apply as a delayed benefit (and I need to like ASAP) , I just want to be sure I couldn't tweak the benefit up. Thanks, Jan

Jan, Social Security bases your benefit amount on your 35 highest years of income after indexing for inflation and growth in the national average wage. If one or more of those 35 computation years is replaced with a higher income amount, benefits based on your record would increase, though perhaps only marginally. Social Security gets the earnings from the IRS and there are not generally mistakes in these records. But if you were to find any, your benefits could go up if only by a relatively small amount. In addition to determining your maximized strategy, out software can also calculate your benefit amounts based on the covered earnings your enter. Thanks, John

Jul 2 2016 - 3:30pm
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