Ask Larry

Why Won't Social Security Give Me Information On All Of My Options?

HI Larry, I have a dilemma I hope you can help me with. I am turning 69 and my wife will be 70 this December. She began collecting her Social Security about 15 months ago and I have been collecting spousal benefits. We needed the money and due to the fact that I was the higher earner we decided on our collecting in this way until I turn 70. We have our own business, home day care, and due to Covid have not reopened yet. We do plan on continuing to work but we are looking at all of our options. I went online to Social Security to check out my future benefit possibilities and I could not access my own information! It says “We cannot provide you estimates because you are already receiving Social Security benefits.” Needless to say, I was furious and called the local Holyoke, MA Social Security office immediately. The woman I spoke to said yes that is just how it is online, and she would send me my information and it might take 3 weeks. Just to be clear I was, and still am, looking for that chart of financial amounts one used to receive in the mail every two years or so. Well, that was probably a year ago-I have received nothing and I have called two additional times and still I received nothing. I tried once more and was told it would take three weeks as she was working from home and could not access my account on her computer!!! Yet she was willing and able to give me an amount that I would collect if I began to collect my own Social Security right away. I explained I wanted to see all my options- if I waited six months or until my 70th birthday? Sorry she said but she was not able to provide that????
I finally got a letter, about 2 weeks ago, with an amount that I would receive if I switched over to my own benefits. So, I am at a loss, how can the Social Security Administration withhold my personal information in this way. I am so mad. We are still healthy and working and still have a mortgage to pay so we really need some help in planning our “last chapter” in a smart way. I so appreciate your book and your “Maximize My Social Security” program. I have given your book to many friends, especially girlfriends who didn’t have a clue about spousal benefits and of course no one at Social Security ever mentioned it. I hope you can help or have some advice for me.
I am eternally Grateful for your advice and help.

Hi Celia,

I don't know why, but once you start drawing benefits, even if it's just spousal benefits, Social Security stops providing Social Security retirement benefit estimates online. And, they also then stop sending out automated statements that show estimated benefit rates. So, you aren't alone in having this problem.

You may want to strongly consider using the benefit calculator in our software ( to determine how much your own Social Security retirement benefit rate would be depending on when you switch to your own record. The software would also provide you with a full analysis to help you determine the best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Nov 4 2020 - 5:27am
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