Ask Larry

Why Shouldn't We Be Able To Work And Still Receive Disability Benefits?

I understand SSI, ABLE accounts which I do not qualify for also the nine-month period of earnings only to get robbed of your SSDI payments if earnings go beyond that period. It is being said that a person can earn unlimited amounts of money within that time period and take a three-month vacation then start all over again. Wouldn't the government catch on to this? There has got to be a way to earn and put that money into a Roth, stocks (to earn dividends), life insurance policy (to borrow against its value) to start living instead of just existing. Someone I talked to said you can be self-employed, but you can't own a business and get SSDI and being a sole-proprietor leaves you open for lawsuits. After that nine-month period if you earn over a certain amount they start taking money from you! WHAT!? We earned that money! Leave us alone! They even start taxing it AGAIN if your payments meet a certain amount each month! It's bad enough I'm stuck in this chair the rest of my life now this!? I've only been disabled since 2018 but it sure seems like the rules want to keep us FTTC citizens (Fall Through The Cracks). Talk about prejudice, black, white, brown, plaid we are already suffering now we're a no-class citizen as well. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you could give me! Thank you!

Hi. Social Security is a social insurance program. It was designed to replace at least part of the income lost due to retirement, disability or death. Social Security disability (SSDI) insurance benefits are only paid to people who are unable to do substantial gainful work (SGA) due to a disabling impairment. If a person is able to continue working at above SGA levels, then they no longer qualify for SSDI payments.

Before SSDI payments stop, a person is allowed a 9-month trial work period (TWP) during which their SSDI benefits can continue to be paid no matter how much the person is earning. But, people receiving SSDI benefits only get one TWP. After the TWP is completed, their benefits are eventually suspended or terminated if they continue to work at above SGA level (

Earnings from either wages or self-employment count for TWP and SGA purposes, and a self-employed person receiving SSDI has essentially the same work and earnings limits as a person who works for wages while receiving SSDI.

Best, Jerry

Jan 19 2022 - 7:11am
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