Ask Larry

Why Does The Social Security Retirement Application Ask If I Have Medicaid?

Why does the Social Security Retirement application ask whether or not I have Medicaid?

Would that cause my benefit amount to be lower yet?
I am currently on a Medicare Savings Program which I understand is funded by Medicaid. However, on the My Texas Benefits page, it clearly states that I have been denied for Medicaid. I worry that I this, somehow, will trigger my small benefit amount to decrease again.

Thanks again!


I think the only reason that the online applications ask about Medicaid is because Medicaid eligibility could effect a person's Medicare options. In some cases States pay a person's Part B Medicare premiums when the person is eligible for Medicaid, and when a person is on Medicaid they can sometimes be enrolled in Part B of Medicare outside of the normal enrollment periods.

In any case Medicaid eligibility (or lack thereof) has no bearing on a person's Social Security retirement benefit rate, so you needn't be concerned. If you haven't already done so, you should strongly consider using our software to make sure that you're choosing the best possible strategy for claiming your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Feb 26 2019 - 9:02am
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