Ask Larry

Why Can't I Get My Full Benefit Rate At Age 76?

I was out of work at 62 yrs of age. At that time there were a lot people out of work but the government ran out of money to pay unemployment benefits. Consequently I had to go on social security at a much reduced rate. Now I am wondering why I cannot get my full benefit rate at age 76 to help manage my life. Especially since I have heard the government is trying to use ssi to assist folks coming across our borders. Please help me.

Hi. Regardless of your reason for doing so, if you collect Social Security retirement benefits prior to your full retirement age (FRA) the resulting reduction for age applied to your benefit rate continues for the rest of your life. So, it sounds like you're stuck with a reduced benefit rate. You don't mention any marital history, so I don't know whether or not you might be able to qualify for additional benefits on the record of a current or former spouse.

Best, Jerry

Jun 7 2022 - 11:16am
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