Ask Larry

Which Month Should I Claim My Benefits To Get Maximum Delayed Benefits?

Hi Larry,
read your article on delayed benefits but Im still uncertain.
From reading I understand I can fill for my maximum delayed benefits in Jan 2022 as I will turn 70 on Feb 3, 2022.
But, if the Jan SS benefit is not paid until Feb would I jeopardize receiving the full 70 yo benefit as I will only be 69 &11 months in Jan
I am currently collecting survivor widow benefits. Appreciate your help.

Hi. I think you must have misunderstood something. If you'll turn age 70 on February 3 2022, then in order to earn the maximum amount of delayed retirement credits (DRC) you would need to claim your benefits effective with February 2022. That's the payment that would be scheduled to be delivered in March 2022, since Social Security pays benefits a month behind.

If you claim your benefits effective with January 2022 instead of February, you will receive credit for one fewer DRC. That would make your permanent monthly benefit rate 2/3rds of 1% lower than the rate you'd receive if you claimed your benefits effective with February.

Best, Jerry

Dec 11 2021 - 5:39pm
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