Ask Larry

Where Can I Get Your Software?

I am currently 54. I am trying to familiarize myself with the ins and outs of SS before I need to make decisions. As I was reading your answers you often refer to running the software. What is this software and where can I get it? I would also like to make an appointment with a professional to discuss my particular situation. How do I find an appropriate expert? What should their credentials include?
Thank you for your assistance,

Our software is MaximizeMySocialSecurity and is available here: We also offer an Expert Review with a Social Security expert. This review provides a one-hour personal review of your inputs, outputs, and answers any other questions that you have. So, you should consider purchasing MaximizeMySocialSecurity and the Expert Review after running the software.


Jun 29 2016 - 5:30pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
  • Find your maximized strategy
  • Unlimited what-ifs
  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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Web-based software. Works on ALL browsers. No download.