Ask Larry

When Will I Receive My First Direct Deposit?

Larry & Team,

I will turn 70 on 11/02/21 & am waiting to file for my SS until the few months before my 70th birthday to get my maximum benefits.

Will my first SS direct deposit take place in November 2021, December 2021 or not until January 2022? Just not sure how the timing works when I first get started taking my SS.

Thank you.


Hi Calvin,

If you reach age 70 on November 2 2021, you'll want to claim your benefits effective with the month of November 2021 if you want to receive your highest possible Social Security retirement benefit rate. Social Security pays benefits in the month after the month that the payment covers, so your payment for November will arrive in December.

Best, Jerry

Sep 23 2019 - 5:01pm
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