Ask Larry

When should I take Divorced Spouse's benefits?

Hi Larry,

I will be turning 62 in September 2016. I was married for 27 years to my ex-husband. He is 64 and remarried. He has had neck and back surgery. He is either drawing SSDI or SSI, because he is not currently employed. I would like to know if I should draw divorce benefits on his record starting in September? Or, should I wait until I turn 66? After reading your column about misinformation or not giving any information from the Social Security Agency to the general public, I thought I would you ask you the questions. Also, where is this software you mention available to input data? Currently, I am employed because I need healthcare benefits and I am not remarried. So, any advice would be helpful. Thank you.


If you take your Divorced Spouse's benefit before age 66 and you are working, then it will be reduced because of taking it early and, additionally, it will be subjected to the Earnings Test, which may reduce it even more. You should also consider when to take your retirement benefit off of your own record. MaximizeMySocialSecurity, at, will determine your best filing strategy.


Jun 29 2016 - 12:30pm
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