Ask Larry

When Should I File For Benefits?

I'm 63, divorced this year after 43 years of marriage. Former husband is 75 and has been taking social security since he was 62. My SS benefit will be half or less than his. When should I take spousal benefit? And when should I draw on my own? I don't need the income now. I have gone in to the local SS office and get conflicting advice. Thank you for your help!

Hi Peg,

As you probably know, the best strategy for you depends on numerous factors. Given the available facts, your best option may be to file a restricted application for divorced spousal benefits only when you reach age 66, then switch to your own account at age 70. You still retain that option because you were born prior to 1954, and thus are exempted from the new deeming rules passed by Congress late last year.

That is only one of many strategies, however, so you may wish to consider running the maximization software available on this website to be sure that you make the best choice for you.

Best, Jerry

Jul 8 2016 - 5:00pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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