Ask Larry

What Will Happen To The Benefits That The Woman I'm Living With Receives If We Get Married?

I live with a woman I would like to marry but she receives benefit from her husband who was a veteran and passed away with Agent Orange. I am a retired veteran who has a 40 percent disability and she would receive far less from me since he was 100 percent disabled when he passed away.
My question is would she lose the benefit from her husband if we married and only receive benefit from my disability or retain her benefit from her husband without application for mine. There is no Common Law Marriage in Florida. I am 81 years old and she is 70 and born October 7th, 1950.

Hi. I'm sorry, but my expertise is limited to Social Security benefits, not VA benefits. All I can tell you is that if your friend is receiving Social Security survivor benefits on her former husband's account, getting married would have no adverse effect on those benefits. I don't know what would happen to her VA benefits.

Best, Jerry

May 18 2021 - 9:15am
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