Ask Larry

What Should I Do If Social Security Can't Locate My Records?

I have been separated from my husband since 1997,I recently had to have a knee replacement my husband offered me his home and support I took it in the meantime we got back together. I called the main SS office and my S S number or name was no way to be found nowhere to be found and neither was my now husband. Help where could they be?


I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking. If you mean that you called Social Security and they have no record of your or your husband's Social Security numbers, that's a new one on me. The only thing I can think of is that you either told them the wrong numbers, or they typed in the wrong numbers when trying to look up your records. You might try verifying the correct numbers from your Social Security cards or a copy of your tax records or W-2 forms and then re-contacting Social Security.

Best, Jerry

Dec 19 2017 - 5:21am
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