Ask Larry

What Procedure Would Social Security Use To Verify Your Marital Status?

Thank you for your prompt answer.I have another-If you were to apply for survivor benifits,what procedure would ssa use to verify your marital status,i e to see if you had been remarried or remarried and divorced to anyone else after your spouse you were applying on had died?


First off, a subsequent remarriage and divorce would not disqualify a person from potentially qualifying for benefits as a widow(er) or surviving divorced spouse on the record of a prior deceased spouse.

More importantly, withholding material information or lying on a Social Security application is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment, so that would not be advisable. Marriage and divorce records are public information, and can be obtained by Social Security if they suspect wrongdoing.

Best, Jerry

Nov 13 2017 - 2:32pm
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