Ask Larry

What Is Our Best Strategy?

Would it be prudent for my husband who is at his full retirement age and working full time draw either my social security or his own, whichever is best and save most of that money for thevnext four years or so, or wait and not collect on his or mine until he is age 70, when he is more likely to stop Working? Not sure if he would make up for the years he does not collect. I am 61, so 5 years younger. We are great savers and still contribute the Max to our Roths, etc. Thx much for insight.


You must be drawing your benefits in order for your husband to potentially receive spousal benefits on your record. Your best strategy depends on your and your husband's relative benefit rates among many other factors, so I can't effectively advise you without much more information.

You and your husband would likely benefit from using the maximization software available on this website. For a full list of products offered, please refer to the 'Purchase' link at the top of this page.

Best, Jerry

May 8 2017 - 5:59am
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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