Ask Larry

What Is My Husband's Best Strategy?

Hi Larry,

Just read your recent article about SS Spousal Benefit wrong info.

I am 69 and started taking SS at age 64. My husband just turned 63 on July 1st. Can he apply for Spousal Benefits now, and begin collecting? Or Does he apply and suspend benefits?

Please tell us what to do, as I don't trust the SS answer. When I called before the deadline of April 29th, they told us he could not apply for this until he turned 66.

We're very confused about what to do, and of course, want to maximize his benefits.

Grateful for your help ASAP!


Contrary to much of what you read, information given by Social Security employees is not always wrong, and what they told you is correct.

Your husband could apply for reduced spousal benefits now, but he probably shouldn't. If he files for reduced spousal benefits prior to age 66, he will be deemed to have applied for reduced benefits on his own record as well, and will only receive roughly the higher of the two benefits.

Luckily for him, your husband was born prior to 1954, and was thus grandfathered under the new law with regard to deeming. As a result, he can file a restricted application for spousal benefits only at age 66, then switch to his own account at age 70. That is quite likely his best strategy, but you may wish to run the maximization software available on this website to make sure.

Best, Jerry

Jul 10 2016 - 11:45am
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