Ask Larry

What Is My Best Option?

Hello - I have a question. I don't quite understand the whole thing with Social Security and all and was wondering about something.
I have been married 2 times and each of the marriages were over 10 years, both of my ex husbands are deceased. They both passed after we already had divorced. I have been working for years myself, and wondered when I come up on retirement age (would like to retire at 62 (in 9 years) or could I start collecting at 60? how does all that work, do I get to collect mine and theirs? or is it one of theirs? and mine? I have not since remarried since the last husband, nor do I plan too. I would appreciate any info you might be able to share with me. Thank you so much!


You can basically only draw one benefit at a time, but you can file for survivor benefits without also filing for retirement benefits. And, vice versa. This would enable you to potentially draw benefits on one record for a while and then switch to a different benefit at a later date. Another factor to consider is the Social Security earnings test (, which could limit your ability to receive any type of benefits prior to full retirement age if you continue working.

Your best option is likely one of the following:
1) File for reduced surviving divorced spousal benefits at age 60 or as soon as your earnings will permit benefits to be paid, then switch to your own record at age 70; or,
2) File for reduced retirement benefits at age 62 or as soon as your earnings will permit benefits to be paid, then file for unreduced surviving divorced spousal benefits at full retirement age; or,

And, since you have 2 records from which to potentially draw surviving divorced spousal benefits, there are even more options to consider. You should strongly consider using the maximization software available on this website in order to analyze all of your options and determine your best filing strategy.

Best, Jerry

Jun 22 2017 - 7:52am
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