Ask Larry

What Is My Best Filing Strategy?

My husband of 5 years is on social security disability. He is 56 years old,and I understand he will get the same amount when he retires. I am 61 and want to know if I can file SS and continue working to keep my insurance, and also to bring more income into our household..He made more $ than i did, can I get his SS if its more than mine? Also, I was married 25 years to a man that was also on disability, but i remarried when i was 54. He is now deceased. Can I file SS on his record? I want to work another 2 years....any help would b appreciated. Thanks!


You can't be eligible for benefits on your first husband's record as long as your current marriage is continuing. And, whenever you apply for either retirement or spousal benefits, you'll be deemed to be filing for both benefits and you'll essentially just get the higher of the 2 benefits.

If you file for benefits prior to full retirement age, they will be reduced. The amount of reduction depends on when you apply, as well as your year of birth ( Furthermore, the Social Security earnings test ( could limit the benefits that you could draw prior to full retirement age.

Before making any filing decisions, you may wish to run the maximization software available on this website. It accounts for all of the factors mentioned above, and can help you decide when would be the best time to file in your case.

Best, Jerry

Nov 3 2016 - 10:00am
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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