Ask Larry

What Licenses Do I Need for Me and My Mother?

Hello, I would like to run the tools mentioned here for my mother and myself consequently, I'm not sure which license to buy: $40 Annual Household License or $250 Annual Financial Advisor License. My father has passed away, and would like to find out if my mother who continues to work part-time can obtain some benefits from my father's or other areas she can maximize her social security benefits. Thanks, Aida

Aida, I'm sorry for your loss. You can buy a $40 license for yourself and another for your mother since you are different households. The software can determine how to maximize benefits for each of you. Although if your mother is over 70, it's just a matter of filing for the larger available benefit, either her retirement benefit or her widow's benefit. If that's the case, the software isn't necessary for her because Social Security will tell you the amount of these two benefits. Thanks, John

Jun 30 2016 - 8:45pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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