Hi Larry,
I am fun of your publications since 2014. I am 66 and my husband is 67. We are still working and planning to do so for couple more years. My current spousal benefit is $1,109. It was $1,106 in 2016 based on $2,212 PIA for my husband.
I am using your software for the second year and I just found a discrepancy. Per your calculation, my spousal benefit for 2017 should be $1,132 not $1,109. I hope it is not an error!
Is it possible, that there is a delay in the calculation of PIA for working individuals? I am assuming that the PIA of my husband in September 2016 was calculated based on his earing's until 2015 only. Because my husband filed and suspend in April 2016 there is no SS estimates available for him or me on the SS Website.
Should we expect some recalculations this year (beside COLA) of my husbands PIA and my spousal benefits based on his earnings record for 2016.
Hi Roumiana,
This Q & A forum is not intended to answer specific software questions, since I don't have access to your data. Please submit any future questions regarding the software by using the online contact form in the help center.
That said, my guess is that the software is calculating the benefit rates that you and your husband will receive once Social Security recalculates the rates to include your husband's 2016 earnings. Social Security usually processes recalculations in the fall of each year, but any increases due will be retroactive to January.
Best, Jerry