Ask Larry

What Else Can I Do?

My birthday - 8/1951, wife's birthday 4/1951. Janice applied for her benefit to start next month - 4/2021.
I called to suspend payment of my benefit (and her spousal benefit) which I started at my FRA (66 years).

The first three reps I spoke with told me it wasn't allowed even though I pointed them to the SS website page explaining that I can suspend my benefit. I was disconnected from the second 2 reps when asking how to pursue this after long waits while they researched.

Finally the 4th rep agreed to put in the request after about 40 minutes on this 4th call. Before doing so, she informed me that it would do no good since they are 10 months behind. She then said she submitted the request to star next month but insisted there was no confirmation she could give me or send to me affirming my request.

What else can I do? thanks.


Hi John. Well, that's a disappointing story, but not totally surprising. You can, of course, elect to voluntarily suspend your benefits until age 70, but you certainly aren't the first person to report that they've been told otherwise by a Social Security representative.

Thanks to your persistence, It sounds like you were finally able to connect with a Social Security employee who understood your options. Assuming that she made the proper computer inputs, you shouldn't need to do anything further. I would think that Social Security would issue an automatically generated notice once your request is effectuated, but I'm not positive. Although it shouldn't be needed, I guess you could submit a written request for voluntary suspension by mail to your nearest Social Security office. Submitting a written request wouldn't be necessary if the representative you spoke with processed your oral request properly, but I suppose it couldn't hurt.

Best, Jerry

Mar 18 2021 - 3:19pm
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