Ask Larry

What Does FRA Mean?

larry when they say FRA, does that mean that (my husband who starting collecting his SSA at a reduced benefit of age 64 (12/4/51...who is now 66. I will turn 66 on 3/5/52; I have filed for a restricted application at my age 66 (fra for me) but will I get half of his (FRA amount) not his reduced amt because he had to collect before 66 his (FRA?).
it has been six weeks and the website showing2/3rd ofapplication completed. but the process still not done. is that way too long? I had tosubmit our marriage license orginal and my husband had to sign the spouse form. we did all that early December. I am trying to calculate his (FRA) those figures not available to either of us online due to this applcaiton being worked on at the moment. Linda

Hi Linda,

FRA is simply an abbreviation for full retirement age. If you've filed a restricted application for spousal benefits starting with your FRA, you will be eligible for 50% of your husband's full retirement age rate (PIA) even if he started drawing reduced benefits prior to FRA.

And no, I don't think it's worrisome that your application hasn't yet been processed. A number of factors are involved with when Social Security is able to process an application to completion, and in some cases they must wait until shortly prior to the month of the person's entitlement to finish up.

Best, Jerry

Jan 19 2018 - 10:54am
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