Ask Larry

What Is The Correct Procedure For Getting My Birthdate Corrected In Social Security's Records?

Hello Larry,

I have purchased Maximize My Social Security & MaxFi Planner, both excellent software.
I will apply for SS soon, I am 66.
My question is…
The SS records show my birth date as 1954 but it is actually 1955 as shown on birth certificate.
What is the correct procedure for the records correction?
My local office, Syracuse, NY will not answer the phone or schedule an appointment.
I have a certified copy of my 1955 birth certificate.
Thank You so much!


Hi John. You could probably correct your Social Security record by applying for a replacement Social Security card and submitting your birth certificate along with proof of identity. However, it would probably be easier to just wait until you apply for benefits.

Social Security normally doesn't require proof of age when a person applies for benefits, but they do if there's an age discrepancy like the one in your case. So, it sounds like you would probably be required to submit a certified copy of your birth certificate when you apply for benefits even if you managed to get your birthdate corrected through the process I mentioned above. If I were you I would just wait until you apply for your benefits to straighten things out. Social Security allows people to apply up to 4 months prior to the month that they want to claim benefits, so I would suggest filing in advance so that there will be plenty of time to get your birth certificate submitted.

Best, Jerry

Oct 26 2021 - 1:33pm
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