Ask Larry

What Can We Do About This?

After reading your book and using your Social Security software, my wife (DOB March 1954) began receiving her retirement benefit at age 64. Because I (DOB July 1951) was grandfathered because of my age, I have been receiving a spousal benefit that started at the same time my wife started receiving her retirement benefit. Starting August 2021, I expect to receive my retirement benefit with full voluntary delayed retirement credits (VDRCs) unreduced by the spousal benefits I have received. My wife plans to suspend her retirement benefit effective July 2021 in order to start earning VDRCs until she reaches age 70 in March 2024. I called the Social Security 1-800 number and the agent informed me that this is not allowed because once benefits start – even if they are later suspended – one cannot receive VDRCs. Your book and software indicate that this position is wrong. What can we do about this? Thanks for your service to the public -- Bruce

Hi Bruce,

What your were told by the Social Security representative is wrong. Your wife can voluntarily suspend her benefits any time between her full retirement age (FRA) and age 70. The only requirement is that she'll need to request the suspension in advance, so in order to suspend her benefits effective with July 2021 she'll need to make her request no later than June 30 2021.

Your wife could make her request either orally or in writing, but I would advise submitting a written request especially since you've already received misinformation. If you get any pushback from Social Security, you can refer them to the examples in the following section of their operation's manual: GN 02409.110.A.1 (

Best, Jerry

Jan 20 2021 - 5:29pm
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