Ask Larry

What Is The Best Option In My Case?

Hello Larry and thank you for reading my email . My question is we have a disabled adult child and my wife is 53 and I am 62 . What would be the benefit if any for my daughter or my wife if I were to retire at 62 or should I try another job being my doctor thinks I have worked in the field as a blue collar worker I have a pension coming due to my years of service and age . Per my social security record I have paid in since 1973 and I don’t know where to start or what to pursue I appreciate your response if you have the time . Thanks "..Mike

Hi Mike,

If you retire and start drawing your benefits at age 62, your wife and disabled child could also potentially receive benefits on your record. Assuming that your daughter is over age 19, in order to qualify for disabled adult child's (DAC) benefits she'd need to be disabled by Social Security's definition due to an impairment that began prior to age 22. If your daughter qualifies for DAC benefits then your wife could qualify for child in care spousal benefits if your daughter has a mental impairment, or if her impairment is physical and your wife performs personal services for her (

Your benefit rate at age 62 would be reduced for age. The percentage reduction for people filing at age 62 in 2020 is roughly 28%. In other words, they'd get roughly 72% of the amount they'd receive if they instead waited until full retirement age (FRA) to apply. Eligible children and spouses can be paid up to 50% of the worker's FRA rate, or primary insurance amount (PIA), even if the worker's rate is reduced for age. However, there is a family maximum benefit (FMB) amount that can be paid on any worker's record, and if both your daughter and wife are receiving benefits from your account then the FMB would limit their rates to less than a full 50% of your PIA.

You should strongly consider using our software ( to fully explore and compare your options so that you can determine the best strategy for maximizing benefits for you and your family.

Best, Jerry

Apr 10 2020 - 11:00am
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