Ask Larry

What Benefits Can My Wife And Kids Get If I Die?

What benefit my wife or my kids get from social security if i died

Hi. That depends on your wife and children's ages at the time of your death. Children can potentially receive survivor benefits from a parent's Social Security account if they're either under age 18, or 18 to 19 and attending high school, or at any age if they're unmarried and if they became disabled prior to age 22.

A surviving spouse can potentially receive widow's benefits if they are a) at least age 60, or b) at least age 50 and disabled, or c) if they have an eligible child in their care who is either under age 16 or is disabled.

Eligible surviving children can receive up to 75% of the deceased worker's primary insurance amount (PIA), and widows can receive up to 100% of their husband's PIA, including any delayed retirement credits (DRC) the husband earned by waiting past full retirement age (FRA) to draw their benefits. A person's PIA is equal to their Social Security retirement benefit rate if they start drawing their benefits at full retirement age (FRA).

Best, Jerry

Mar 29 2021 - 12:22pm
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