Ask Larry

What Are Your Thoughts On When I Should Switch To My Own Benefits?

I'm currently using survivors benefits while my benefits gained from DRC. My own benefit is/has been greater. In May I will be 70. So I am looking to apply for my SSA with its DRC. However, the DRC additions has made my SSA about $750 more, right now. Question: should I take it before May (actual payment in June)? My family's longevity is about 80 years (most died due to cancer). Currently I'm healthy, but 10 years ago, I went through chemo, radiation therapy and surgery. So I hope to get at least 8 more years. What are your thoughts?

Hi. My answer would depend in part on how much difference there is between your survivor benefit rate and your own benefit rate. Ultimately, though, you should choose the strategy that you're most comfortable with. If you start your own benefits effective with January instead of May, your permanent monthly rate will be roughly 2.66% lower than it would have been if you'd waited until May. So, you'd need to weigh that loss against the 4 additional months of higher benefits that you'd receive by switching to your own record effective with January.

Our software ( would allow you to compare all of your options so that you can determine which strategy you feel would allow you to maximize your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Feb 3 2022 - 5:48pm
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