Ask Larry

What Are My Husband's Options?

I have read your book Get What'ts Yours and have a quick question or 2.
Our situation has changed in the past few wks, since my husband found out that he needs a new Aortic valve replaced on Oct 10 th.

He is 69 & I am 62 I plan to work til I am 70 as a therapist. He is a boatbuilder and will be on Short term disability and then possibly CA unemployment depending on his recovery.

1. Can he apply for spousal benefit on me and not apply for his Soc Sec until later? Is there a benefit to that or do i lose what ever income I generate between now and 70?
2. Do short term disability and unemployment apply to soc sec.? I know we pay taxes on that income.

thanks so much this is so life changing for us and I only have a small Roth, no life insurance etc.
His benefit according to Soc Sec website is $1353. at 69. and 1543 @ 70 if he makes 40 K a yr . This is unlikely since disability and unemployment are only 55 % of his salary. My survivors benefit is only $1169. at 65. all kind of scary . lots of lifestyle changes as well ahead.

thanks Elizabeth

Hi Elizabeth,

Good luck with your husband's surgery.

Your husband couldn't qualify for spousal benefits on your record until you start drawing your benefits, and he can't qualify for Social Security disability benefits since he's already over full retirement age. I don't know anything about unemployment benefits, so I can't help you with that part of your question.

As you're apparently aware, your husband could start drawing his Social Security retirement benefits now, but if he starts drawing before age 70 his rate will be lower than it would be if he waited until age 70. And, that lower rate would potentially carry over to your widow's rate if you qualify for survivor benefits on his record. You may want to strongly consider using the maximization software available on this website to explore your filing options and determine the best overall strategy for you and your husband.

Best, Jerry

Oct 1 2017 - 9:06pm
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