Ask Larry

Is Waiting Until FRA or Age 70 The Only Strategy Available To Me?

Read the book. I’m not grandparented under 2015 SS law changes. So, married 20yrs and going strong, no disability, no dependent children or parents, no special qualifying circumstances for other benefits whatsoever and with the spousal benefit file suspend gambit unavailable to me, the only strategy available is to wait till FRA or, better, 70 and also keep working to up the value of my quarters worked formula?

Hi. It's not the only strategy, but it's probably your best strategy assuming that your health is roughly average or better. Waiting until age 70 to start drawing your benefits would permit you to be paid the highest possible monthly benefit rate for the rest of your life. People can claim Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62, but the earlier you start drawing prior to age 70 the lower your monthly benefit rate will be.

As for continuing to work, Social Security retirement benefits are based on an average of a person's highest 35 years of Social Security covered wage-indexed earnings, so additional years of earnings only increase a person's benefit rate if they're higher than one or more of the 35 years currently being used to calculate the person's benefit rate. The benefit calculator included in our software ( allows you to enter projected future earnings so that you can determine how they might affect your benefit rate. The software would also allow you to fully analyze and compare all of your various options to help you decide your best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Oct 11 2021 - 9:29am
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