Ask Larry

Is There Something That Your Software Can Do For Me?

I am now 76. I retired at full retirement age and have been receiving Social Security. I am currently working and making hefty six figures. I want to figure out what salary to pay myself to absolutely maximize my Social Security benefits over the next 4 years (without cancelling it out by paying it all out in taxes now). Would you believe that Social Security told me they can't tell me the percentage they multiply the average of my top 35 earnings years by....and that "this is done manually and takes a long time to do"! Seriously! It's a mysterious process. And the calculator on their website only covers people who haven't yet taken Social Security???? It this something that your software can do for me?

Hi. Yes, our software ( includes a benefit calculator that uses the same formula used by Social Security to calculate benefit rates. The software allows you to input projected earnings for future years so that you can determine the effect that those earnings would have on your benefit rate.

Best, Jerry

Apr 1 2022 - 12:56pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

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