Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Would Taking My Own Benefits At Age 62 Reduce My Future Survivor Benefit Rate?

I am a widow and wondering about conflicting adivce I've gotten about taking my own benefit and then switching survivor benefit at my Full Retirement Age. If I take my benefit at 62, I would get $644 per month. If I wait until 68 and 4 months, I get my full survivor benefit of $2,842. I don't want to take mine if it lowers my survivor benfit, but have been told by someone at social security it will not. I consulted a financial advisor and they thought this was wrong, that taking any benefit early would lower your future benfits when you switch.

Monday, March 9, 2020 - 16:16

Can I Collect My Deceased Husband's Social Security Without Quitting My Job And Still Be Able To Change Over To My Amount At FRA Or Age 70?

I contacted SSA regarding Survivior benefit. My husband passed 10 years ago. I have recieved two different answers. The last being I could collect his social security amount without having to quit my job and still be able to change over to my amount at full retirement age or at age 70. This was not the same answer I recieved previously. Thank you


I'm sorry for your loss.

Friday, March 6, 2020 - 16:20

Will Both My Wife And Child Be Eligible For Half Of My PIA, Subject To The Family Maximum?

Hi Larry. Its been a few years since I subscribed and took advantage of your software. As I get closer to FRA, I am thinking it might behoove me to resubscribe and let you run figures again. Hoping you can answer a few questions that will help me in my choices. I plan to (likely) retire in 12/2021 when I turn 67. My wife will be age 60 at that time. We have a disabled adult child in our care who has received SSI since age 18.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - 17:28

When Will My Wife's Disability Benefits Convert To Social Security?

Let me begin with thank you. I (bob 7/20/1955) will be 66 and 2 months on October 2021, my FRA. And I am thinking of collecting then. My wife (Donna 8/4/60) is on full disability.

When does my wife's disability convert to social security? When can she/we begin collecting spousal benefits? My social security will be about $2,550. Donna currently receives $941. Spousal benefit should be $1,225. Ish. Much appreciated.


Hi Bob,

Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 16:16

Can My Wife File For Spousal Benefits If I File And Suspend?

I am 66 years old (born in July 1953). My wife will be 62 next December (born December 1958). We were told that I could file and suspend next December (when she turns 62). At that time, will she be able to file for spousal benefits off my work record? In doing so, will she be able to accrue credits until she reaches full retirement age while I accrue benefits until I reach age 70?


Friday, February 28, 2020 - 10:08

Does The Strategy Recommended By Social Security's Online Calculator Make Sense To You?

Hi Larry, My husband is 10 years older than me (66) and I'm (55). We were both born after January 1954. I am planning to work for the next 10 years, til I am 65. I love my job. My PIA is larger than my husband by a good amount, and will grow due to replacing low earning years with higher earning years (35 highest). I run the social security calculator online and it wants my husband to delay til 70 and me draw as early as 62 to maximize our benefits. But , if I draw that early, my salary will erode my benefits by 50%. So I'm not sure drawing early make sense for me.

Thursday, February 27, 2020 - 11:36

If I File For Survivor Benefits At Age 62 And Switch To My Own Record At FRA Will Any Of The Money Withheld Due To My Earnings Be Reqained?

I am the higher earner and my spouse was the lower. If I draw survivor benefits at age 62 which will be heavily reduced due to continuing to work and the excess wages provision, will any of that money ever be gained when I switch to my own higher benefit at my FRA. Or, due to the fact that I am switching to my own earnings record are all the dollars lost due to excess wages forever gone. I was born in 1958.


Monday, February 17, 2020 - 13:29
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  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

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