Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Should I File Now So That My Husband Can Collect Spousal Benefits?

Neither my husband nor myself have applied for benefits yet.

I am 62 yrs and 1 month DOB 5/27/1959.
My current SS Benefit would be $818.00 per month.
My benefit at FRA would be $1286.

My husband is 67 yrs and 6 months, DOB 12/28/1953.
His current benefit would be $2100 per month.
His Benefit at 70 yrs of age would be 2600 per month.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - 12:12

Is This Sound Reasoning?

My wife is 65 this August and has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer at a late stage. Once she completes her first sections on chemo the doctor with evaluate if this is reducing the amount and she will undergo surgery and more chemo to follow. Survival rate is 20% at 5 years at this stage.
I am a Maxfi member and read your books but looking to make sure I have this right for social security.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 - 07:05

Should I Start Drawing My Social Security Early And Invest In IRAs?

My wife and I are both retired, no longer with earned income. I turn 63 in June and she is 18 months older than me. She is a retired Texas teacher subject to WEP and GPO therefore as we understand it will receive little, if any, of my SS benefit. When I retire I locked in her beneficiary benefit upon my death at 75% of my monthly benefit. Also I do not have anything withheld from my retirement. Should I start drawing early and put the benefit in IRA's for each of us to start building an additional benefit for her in the event of my premature death?

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - 12:36

Should I Start Drawing Benefits Sooner If I Believe That Social Security Is Going To Go Broke?

Hi Larry hope this finds you well. Read your book ( Get What's Yours ) revised. I am single ( divorced after 6 years of marriage ) I make above the $147,000.00 cut off - However I turn 66 Dec 3rd 2021. I keep hearing SS will run out of money ( 2035 ). Would it not be beneficial to me to start taking my benefits at FRA instead of wait till I'm 70. That way I should receive something instead of gambling on there being no social security when I reach my 70th birthday 2025. I am in great health, house, car all paid off. No outstanding debt. What do you think ?

Monday, May 24, 2021 - 20:30

What Is The Best Way For My Wife And I To Maximize Our Benefits?

My wife and I are in our early 60s and US citizens who lived and worked for fifteen years in Canada. As a result, our US Social Security benefit estimates are predicated on less than 35 years of earnings. We both have, in other words, fifteen years of zero contributions in the middle of our earnings records, even though we both were receiving full-time salaries in Canada at that time (and thus were even paying into CPP).

Saturday, May 22, 2021 - 19:07

When Is The Best Time To Take Your SS Benefits?

When is the best time (Age, 62-1/2, 65, 66-3/4, 70) to take your SS benefits?

Hi. That depends on numerous different variables, which is why we developed our software program. Each person's circumstances are unique, so you should strongly consider using our software to analyze your options to help you determine the best strategy for maximizing your beneifts.

Best, Jerry

Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 15:50

Can I Collect On My Deceased Husband's Record At Age 60 And Then Switch To My Own Benefits At Age 62 Or 67?

I am currently 58 and I am wondering if I should begin to collect my deceased husband's social security at age 60 or wait until 67 and collect my own. Currently mine is 1,657 if I take it at age 67 or 1,155 at age 62. His is currently 1,517 at full retirement. Can I collect his at age 60 then switch to my own at age 62 or 67? Thank you!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - 17:16
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  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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