Ask Larry

Should We Wait Until Our FRA to Take Benefits?

I retired from federal service on July 1, 2016.My wife and I are 63 years old and financiallysecure and do not need to collect social security benefits at this time. Should we both wait to our FRA to collect or should my wife file for spousal benefits before her FRA. My benefit at FRA is $ 2640 and my wife's id $1160.
Thank you

Waiting until your FRAs will certainly give you higher lifetime benefits than taking your benefits early. If your wife files for her spouse's benefit before her FRA, then she will be deemed by law to have also filed for her retirement benefit at that time. If she waits until her FRA, then she can file a restricted application for spouse's benefits only and let her retirement benefit grow until age 70. Alternatively, it may be better for you to take spouse's benefits and let your retirement benefit grow. Our software, MaximizeMySocialSecurity, can determine which strategy is best for you.

Jul 4 2016 - 12:30pm
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