Ask Larry

Should My Son File A Disabilty Claim?

Hello Larry.
My son, who is 33, was hurt at work a year ago, at no fault of his own. To-date he has not been released to return and is still in therapy. Unfortunately he's the type who believes everything the atty says and does little research himself. He's started receiving only about $300/month from workers compensation. I believe this is due to him being a contractor for any employment agency and had not worked there very long. I am curious as to whether he should pursue a disability claim regardless or in addition to the WC income. Of course the whole thing has him understandably depressed.

Thank you for this forum.

Hi CiCi,

It certainly sounds like your son should consider filing for Social Security disability benefits (SSDI). If he's approved, the fact that he's getting Workers Comp (WC) could result in some of his SSDI being offset, but not necessarily. It all depends on his earnings history and WC payment level. And, filing for SSDI would have no adverse effect on your son's Social Security retirement benefits in the future, so I can't think of any possible downside to filing.

For more information on filing for SSDI benefits, refer to Social Security's website:

Best, Jerry

May 13 2018 - 8:52am
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