Ask Larry

Should I Wait Until Age 67 To Start Drawing?

Hi Larry,
My partner is on SS disability and is 60 years old. I am 61 and will be 62 in October.
I am a teacher, not vested fully until two more years for retirement, which will be 15 years of service, since I started this career late.
My current salary is 60k. Finances have been difficult over the past years since my partner has battled cancer. She is in remission now. Her SS disability pays about 13-14k per year. Savings are very small and we live in a mobile home, so I know the return on this housing is not the best.
I just received a SS bulletin that said if I wait until I am full retirement age to collect I would receive $2062 per month.
I plan to work until that time since I just had to purchase a new vehicle after 11 years.
Should I wait until 67 if health permits?


If you were born in 1954, your full retirement age (FRA) is 66. If you delay taking your Social Security benefits past FRA, you will be rewarded with delayed retirement credits (DRC) equal to 2/3rds of 1% per month, or 8% per year. If you wait until age 70 to start drawing, your benefit amount will be 32% higher than if you started at FRA. DRCs are not added after you turn age 70, so you would not want to wait past age 70 to file.

Although there is no way to know for sure what's best, if you're in good health and view Social Security as insurance like Larry recommends, it would likely be advisable for you to wait until age 70 to start drawing. You may wish to consider running the maximization software available on this website in order to sort out your options.

Best, Jerry

Aug 5 2016 - 11:30am
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