Ask Larry

Should I File Now Or Wait?

My husband turned 66 in February and has since started receiving his Social Security benefit. He is still working and hopes to be able to for a few more years. I am fixing to turn 64 and have not worked for about 5 1/2 years but would like to go back to work soon. We are thinking it would be good for me to begin working part-time, hopefully at home, then eventually go back to working full-time. I hope to be able to work a few more years also. We are trying to decide if it would be better for me to start receiving Social Security now or better to wait. My husband's benefit is about twice what mine will be if I start receiving Social Security at this age. Also, with the recent changes, will it be beneficial for us to try the "file and suspend" or did we just miss out on that deal? Thank you!


Assuming that you were born before January 2 1954, your best strategy may be to file for spousal benefits only at age 66, then switch to your own record at age 70. The maximization software on this website can determine that for sure. The software will also allow you to run various what-if scenarios so that you can make your own decision as to which of your options you consider to be best.

Since your husband has already filed on his own record, he can't receive spousal benefits from your record unless he withdraws his claim and repays the benefits he's received. Your husband could voluntarily suspend his benefits in order to increase his benefit rate, however, you couldn't receive spousal benefits on his record while his benefits are suspended.

Best, Jerry

May 2 2017 - 9:16am
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