Ask Larry

Should I File Now or Later?

Hi, my husband chose to take Social Security early at the age of 62, he is now 65. I am turning 63 end of the month, and realized maybe I should have started taking SS also. Are my benefits totally determined by when my husband chose to take his or if I wait will I get more. His benefits will greatly out weigh what I would get on my own, I only ever worked part time. Also, should I have filed something 11 months ago. Can it be retro active? Thanks, Pam

Pam, your retirement benefit is based on your record and when you file and is not affected by when your husband filed for his retirement benefit. If you file for your retirement benefit before your full retirement age (FRA), it will be reduced. If you file for your spousal benefit at your FRA, it will be 50% of what your husband's retirement benefit would have been had he waited until FRA to file. If you file for it before your FRA, it will be reduced. You cannot file retroactively until you are past your FRA. Our software can determine how to maximize your household benefits and will let you enter various what-if scenarios to see how they compare. Thanks, John

Jul 7 2016 - 10:30pm
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