Ask Larry

Shoud I Contact Social Security To See If I'm Getting All I'm Supposed To?

I am 69. I applied online for Social Security Benefits when I was 62. I served in the Air Force from 19 June 1968 until 30 June 1994.
I'm not sure the online application I did let me enter my Active Duty Military Service time. I never had to show anyone my DD214.
Should I contact my Soc Sec Office and ask them to look at my record to see if I am receiving all I am supposed to, or did they ask
me on the online application about my miltary service? Thank you.


You can double check with Social Security if you want to, but since all of your active military service was after 1967 I'm confident that all of your military service credits would have already been included in calculating your benefit rate. Social Security upgraded their coordination with military payroll offices starting in 1968 to automatically identify and credit active duty wages.

As a result, Social Security doesn't need proof of military service in order to credit deemed military wages (( for periods of active duty after 1967. And, that's why Social Security applications only ask about military service prior to 1968.

Best, Jerry

Jun 13 2018 - 7:08am
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