Greetings Larry and thank you for your reply regarding railroad retirement and DRC's.
I saw where you said that I would not collect DRC's until FRA (which is 66 & 8 months for me). Is that because I would be collecting Railroad Retirement before my FRA (if I collect at 65), or is that the point at which all people start collecting DRC's?
My original question:
Can you confirm that I will continue to accrue delayed retirement credits on my social security so that I collect the maximum amount at age 70? I want to ensure I am not age-penalized by collecting Railroad Retirement at age 65.
Also, where can I find this information/confirmation in writing, that is, in an official document? It's hard to plan something so major without official documentation of some sort.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Linda. No. Delayed retirement credits (DRC) can only be earned starting with the month that a person reaches their full retirement age (FRA), regardless of whether or not they are collecting other types of benefits.
Also, in case the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) hasn't informed you of this, if you're collecting Railroad Retirement benefits and it you subsequently start drawing Social Security benefits the RRB will offset your Tier 1 Railroad Retirement benefits dollar for dollar by the amount of your Social Security benefits.
Best, Jerry