Ask Larry

What Benefits Can I Get if I'm Divorced and Disabled?

I am 60 yrs old. I was married for 10 1/2 years and have 2 kids, one still in college. I worked full time almost my entire life. I was recently seriously injured and am unable to work and am on medical leave from work with surgery pending. My ex-husband remarried. Can I draw from his Social Security if I am rendered disabled while mine continues to grow? How would I accomplish the above. If I disabled and am unable to pay for college, can my son become eligible for Social Security benefits. Thanks, Arlene

Arlene, I'm sorry to hear about your injury. You might be eligible for a Social Security disability benefit. If so, you can collect it now and when you reach your full retirement age (FRA) of 66, it will be automatically converted to a standard retirement benefit. Your retirement benefit won't be reduced due to filing for your disability benefit now, assuming you become eligible for the disability benefit. You might be able to receive a divorced spousal benefit, but only if it's larger than your disability benefit. Your non-disabled adult son cannot receive benefits based on your record. Thanks, John

Jun 30 2016 - 7:45pm
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