Ask Larry

Will The Amount Of My Widow's Benefit Be Adjusted To Account For The COLAs Occurring Until I Reach Retirement Age?

My husband died at age 47. We received child survivor benefits until our daughter graduated high school. Each year she got the COLA increase. I have my husband's SS Estimate of benefits for the year before he died that has the amount of benefits for the spouse who reaches full retirement age. Is that likely very close to the amount I will be eligible to receive at retirement age or is that amount adjusted to account for the COLA each year until I reach retirement age thus likely making it considerably higher?

Hi. I'm sorry for your loss. All Social Security cost of living increases (COLA) occurring after your husband's death will be credited when calculating your widow's rate. There are actually 2 different methods of calculating widow's benefits, though, and Social Security will use the method that results in the highest rate for you.

You may want to strongly consider using our software ( to fully analyze the options available to you in order to determine your best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Jun 28 2021 - 9:08pm
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