Ask Larry

Isn't Medicaid Administered By Social Security?

Hi, Jerry/Larry. Regarding the prior question someone just posted of "When a person dies and they're drawing SSI does Social Security always take it all back" -- What if you also got Medicaid along with SSI. Isn't Medicaid administered by SocSec, and aren't there rules about Medicaid/SSI recovering money, once someone dies, for certain medical expenses if the deceased's estate has funds to pay for healthcare previously provided by Medicaid? I know this is complex, but wondered if SSA/Medicaid can seek repayment for services rendered/benefits paid? Thanks for the help!

Hi. No, the Social Security Administration (SSA) doesn't administer the Medicaid program. Medicaid is a federal program authorized in the Social Security Act, but the actual administration of Medicaid is left to the individual states. My expertise is limited to Social Security benefits, so I'm unable to answer your question.

Best, Jerry

Apr 22 2021 - 9:47am
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