Ask Larry

Do I Understand This Correctly?

I just want to see if I understand something correctly.

IF everything continues as planned, my husband plans to take his SocSec in two years at age 70. I will turn 62 about that time and will file also. I believe my spousal benefit will be larger than my own, so I will received half of his full retirement age (66) amount minus reductions for taking it early. What I want to know is, if he dies, will I continue to received my spousal benefit as is until I request survivor benefits, and as long as I don't file for Survivor benefits until age 66 and 10 months will I receive the full amount he will be receiving when he files at age 70? Hope that's clear, and thank you for your help.

Hi. No, it doesn't sound like you fully understand. Spousal benefits can only be paid on the record of a living spouse. If your husband dies before you reach full retirement age (FRA) your options would be as follows:
a) Delay filing for widow's benefits until you reach FRA; or,
b) Elect to convert your reduced spousal benefits to reduced widow's benefits.

If you choose option 'a', you could potentially be paid just your own Social Security retirement benefits until you reach FRA, at which time you could then file for unreduced widow's benefits. Your unreduced widow's rate would be equal to your husband's full benefit rate including the delayed retirement credits (DRC) he'll earn by waiting until age 70 to apply. You couldn't be paid both your own benefit rate and your husband's rate, though, just the higher of the 2 amounts.

If you choose option 'b', your widow's rate would be permanently reduced for age. The applicable percentage reduction would depend on your age at the time of your husband's death.

Best, Jerry

Mar 7 2021 - 12:52pm
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