Ask Larry

Should My Railroad And Social Security Benefits Not Affect Each Other Since I Earned My Social Security Credits After Retiring From The Railroad?

I retired from the railroad after 30 years of service in March 1 ,2000,In 2004 thru 2017 I earned 40 quarters in social security,My question is my railroad retirement pension should not affect any of my social security pension or vice versa since the 40 quarters was earned AFTER railroad retirement ? THANKS


The order in which you worked for the Railroad or for Social Security covered earnings is irrelevant. If you're eligible for both Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits and Social Security (SS) benefits and if you file for both benefits, the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will offset your Tier 1 RR benefits dollar for dollar by the amount of your SS benefit.

Best, Jerry

Nov 27 2020 - 4:01pm
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