Ask Larry

Have The Rules Changed On Voluntarily Suspending Benefits When Disability Benefits Convert To Retirement Benefits?

My husband has been collecting disability. Later this month he turns 66, his full retirement age and his disability will convert to social security. After reading an article you published in Forbes we called to suspend his social security payments and were told that he could not do so. Have the rules changed since you wrote that article in 2015?
Thank you


No, that rule hasn't changed, and your husband absolutely can suspend his retirement benefits potentially starting as early as the month in which he reaches his full retirement age (FRA). However, you must request the voluntary suspension no later than the last day of the month prior to the month you want the suspension to start, so if you make your request for suspension in August then September is the earliest month that your benefits can be suspended. If your husband turns 66 this month and made a verbal request in July or before to Social Security to suspend his benefits, then Social Security should honor that request provided you can convince them that he did in fact make the request.

A written request for suspension isn't actually required, but I would advise your husband to make his request in writing since he's already been given misinformation on this subject by Social Security. If necessary, you can refer the Social Security representative with whom you speak to the 3rd example in section A. 1 of GN 02409.110 in the Social Security operations manual:

Best, Jerry

Aug 8 2020 - 9:30am
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