I am currently 61, my husband is 63. His PIA at full retirement age is $2670, mine is $3010. When he starts taking PIA at 66, will I be qualified for his spousal benefits? If so, how much?
Thanks for any info you can enlighten me with.
Hi Mimi,
No, neither you or your husband could ever qualify for spousal benefits. Since you were both born after January 1 1954, if you filed for spousal benefits you would be deemed to also be filing for you own Social Security retirement benefits at the same time (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/deemedfaq.html). You could then only be paid the higher of the 2 benefit rates, which would be your own retirement benefit rate.
You and your husband may want to consider using our software (https://maximizemysocialsecurity.com/purchase) to explore and compare your various options so that you can determine the filing strategy that you feel would best meet your needs.
Best, Jerry