Ask Larry

Do You Have Any Tips For Us?

After purchasing Get Whats Yours...I had my spouse, Vickie, file for S.S. in Sept 2015 . I then requested a File and Suspend on my account and began collecting Spousal support on my wife's account. In September 2019 I will be 70 years of age and intend to file for MY FULL / S.S. benefit.... I would appreciate your advice on any tips that would assist us on the plan you have guided us on... as well as Confirmation that we are on track for the best outcome.
Is it possible to have my spouse, Vickie.. collect spousal on my account and raise the S.S. Benefits even higher??

Best, Paul and Vickie / OUR 50TH Year of marriage.

Hi Paul and Vickie,

Congratulations on your golden anniversary! You must not have filed for and suspended your own Social Security retirement benefits, since that would have prevented you from qualifying for a full spousal benefit. What I assume that you did instead, Paul, was to file a restricted claim for spousal benefits only based on Vickie's account. Therefore, you'll need to file a separate application for your own retirement benefits when you reach age 70.

If Paul's primary insurance amount (PIA), which is the equivalent of your full retirement age (FRA) Social Security retirement benefit rate, is more than twice as much as Vickie's PIA, then she could be eligible for additional spousal benefits from Paul's record when he files for his retirement benefits. If that's the case, Vickie will also need to file a separate application for spousal benefits when Paul files for his Social Security retirement benefits.

It sounds like the two of you are on the right track, but I can't actually be sure without additional information. To be safe, you may want to consider using our software to be sure that you make the best possible choices.

Best, Jerry

Mar 4 2019 - 9:44am
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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