If I take my RR benefit at 62, can reapply for SS benefits at 67 ? My wife is at full age for SS her benefit would be higher than a spousal under RR If I have RR is she required to take her benefit under RR?
thank you
Yes, assuming that you qualify you could file for Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits at age 62 and then file for Social Security (SS) benefits at age 67 or even later. You are not deemed to have filed for SS benefits when you apply for RR benefits, nor vice versa. If and when you file for both benefits, though, you could only be paid your Tier 2 RR benefits, plus the higher of a) your SS benefit or b) your Tier 1 RR benefit.
Your wife couldn't be paid any Tier 1 RR spousal benefits if she's already drawing a higher SS benefit. I'm not an expert on Railroad Retirement benefits, however, so I don't know whether or not she could qualify for any Tier 2 RR spousal benefits. She wouldn't be required to file for RR benefits, though, regardless of whether or not she's drawing SS benefits.
Best, Jerry