Ask Larry

If I File For Social Security Now, What Will Happen When I Later File For Railroad Spousal Benefits?

Mr. Jerry,
If I file for SS at 62 and 4 months then my husband retires from the RR two years later will my dollar amount be recalculated to the age I will be when he retires or will I simply move to Tier I laterally and receive the same amount as if I retired at 62 and 4 months? I am trying to see if I should wait to file or go ahead and file SS now if, and only if my monthly amount will go up once he retires from the RR. I understand that Tier I is the RR's SS as they match dollar for dollar and that Tier II is like a pension plan where there is no employer contributions.

I would like to thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter.


I'm sorry, but I'm not an expert on Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits so I can't fully answer your question. What I can tell you, though, is that your Tier 1 RR benefit will be derived from your husband's work record, not yours. Therefore, your Tier 1 RR spousal rate could be much different than your Social Security (SS) retirement benefit rate, and if you file for both benefits you would only be paid the higher of a) your SS benefit rate OR your Tier 1 RR amount, plus b) any Tier 2 RR benefits to which you are entitled.

If you file for your SS benefits at age 62 & 4 months, your SS rate will not be adjusted when you subsequently qualify for RR spousal benefits. So, you'll likely be stuck with your reduced SS rate if it turns out to be higher than your Tier 1 RR spousal rate. Our maximization software can help you determine your best option with regard to drawing your Social Security benefits, but it doesn't handle RR retirement benefits. You'll probably need to check with the Railroad Retirement Board in order to help you determine your best overall filing strategy.

Best, Jerry

Jul 5 2018 - 2:22pm
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