Ask Larry

Can I File For My Benefits At Age 62 And Receive Unreduced Spousal Benefits At Age 66?

Dear Larry, I have read too many sites re: my question, and now I'm really confused. My ex filed at age 70 in 2012, I will be filing this year at age 62. I understand my payments will be reduced permanently, ($900) my question is: can I file for spousal benefits at age 66 and receive an un-reduced spousal benefit of $1500, or will I reduce my spousal benefits, as well, by filing this year?
Thank you for your help.

Hi Patricia,

No. Since you were born after January 1 1954, regardless of when you file for either retirement benefits on your own record or spousal benefits you will be deemed to be filing for both. You can essentially receive only the higher of those 2 benefit rates, and your benefit amount will be reduced for age if you file before your full retirement age.

You may want to strongly consider using our maximization software to compare your filing options and determine your best strategy.

Best, Jerry

Mar 29 2018 - 4:20pm
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